吐血整理—国际商务导论所有名词解释详细汇总(主编:王 ...

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吐血整理—国际商务导论所有名词解释详细汇总(主编:王 ...


1.International business

International business is a term used to describe business transactions that take place between two or more countries beyond their political boundaries.
International business also refers to all those business activities involving cross-border transactions of goods, services or resources, including capital, skills, people, finance, banking, insurance, construction, etc.
International business can also be defined as any organization that engages in business transactions that take place between two or more countries beyond their national boundaries.
2.Exporting and Importing

Traditionally international business activity refers to exporting and importing.  
Exporting is the selling of goods or sevices made in one country for use or resale in other countries.
Importing refers to the buying of goods or services made in other countries for use or resale in one’s own country.
3. Foreign direct investment

It refers to the net inflows of investment to acquire a lasting management interest (10% or more of voting stock) in an enterprise operating in an economy other than that of the investor.   
4.Foreign indirect investment or foreign portfolio investment

It refers to the purchase of stocks, bonds and money market instruments by foreigners for the purpose of realizing a financial return, which does not result in foreign management ownership or legal control.  

It refers to the business arrangement in which a firm in one country gives permission to a firm in another country for the use of its intellectual property including patents, trademarks, brand names or copyrights in return for a royalty payment.  

It is the practice of using another firm’s successful business model.  
A management contract is an arrangement under which a firm in one country agrees to perform the necessary managerial  /ˌmænəˈdʒɪəriəl/functions and operational control of another firm in another country in return for a fee.
7.Multinational corporation (MNC) or multinational enterprise (MNE)

It  is a term used to describe a firm that manages production or delivers services in more than one country.

It can be defined as “the inexorable /ɪnˈeksərəb(ə)l/不能变更的integration of markets, nation-states and technologies ... in a way that is enabling individuals, corporations and nation-states to reach around the world farther, faster, deeper and cheaper than ever before” It refers to the shift toward a more integrated and interdependent world economy.  
9.Globalization of markets

It refers to the merging of separate national markets into one global market.
10.Globalization of production

It refers to the sourcing of goods or services in locations all over the world with the purpose of reducing costs and making better use of labor, energy, land and capital in different countries.  

11. culture

It is viewed as a system of values and norms (规范) that are shared among a group of people and that these values and norms together constitute a design for living.
12. values

Values refer to abstract ideas about what a group believes to be good, right and desirable, while norms stand for the social rules and guidelines (指导方针)that prescribe英 /prɪˈskraɪb规定appropriate behavior in particular situations.
13. norms

norms refer to the social regulations that dominate people’s actions towards one another, which can be sub categorized as folkways (社会习俗-浅层流变)and mores(风俗习惯-深层稳定).

Folkways contain the routine conventions of everyday life of little moral significance concerning such things as the suitable dress code on a particular occasion, desirable social manners, proper table manners, neighborly英 /ˈneɪbəli/ behavior and so on.

Mores, norms central to the functioning of a society and to its social life, carry bigger significance than folkways.
16.Social mobility

The term social mobility refers to the extent to which individuals can move upwards英 /ˈʌpwədz/ out of the stratum英 /ˈstrɑːtəm/ of society they are born into.

Religion may be defined as a system of shared beliefs and rituals that are concerned with the realm 美 /relm/of the sacred英 /ˈseɪkrɪd/


The term ethics can be defined as accepted principles of right or wrong/// that govern the conduct of a person, the members of a profession, or the actions of an organization (Charles, 2002).
19.business ethics

Business ethics refer to the accepted principles of right or wrong governing the conduct of business people.
20. The tragedy of the commons

The environment is a public good that no one owns.
The atmosphere and oceans can be viewed as global commons from which everyone benefits but for which no one is specifically responsible The tragedy of the commons occurs when individuals overuse a resource held in common by all, resulting in its degradation.
21.organizational culture

Organizational culture refers to the values and norms shared by employees of an organization.
22.social responsibility

The concept of social responsibility refers to the idea that business people should consider the social consequences of economic actions when making business decisions, and that there should be a presumption in favor of decisions that have both good economic and social consequences.

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