
发表于 2023-4-9 20:45:05 | [复制链接] | 打印 |上一主题| 下一主题



  • 邮件询问 (Email Inquiry)
used to ask for specific information about a particular issue from an individual or organization. Typically includes some questions and a request for detailed information.

  • 邮件确认 (Email Confirmation)
used to confirm that a certain matter has been received or completed.

  • 邮件邀请 (Email Invitation)
used to invite someone to a specific event or meeting. Typically includes a brief invitation message and detailed information about the event or meeting.

  • 邮件提醒 (Email Reminder)
used to remind the recipient of a deadline or other important information about a task or transaction. Typically includes a brief reminder message and relevant task or item details.

  • 邮件通知 (Email Notification)
used to provide the recipient with information such as new product releases, event updates, and other news. Typically includes a brief notification message and some detailed information.

  • 邮件感谢 (Email Thank-You)
used to express gratitude or appreciation to a person or team. Typically includes a brief thank-you message and some specific information or examples.

  • 邮件转发 (Email Forward)
used to forward a previously received email to another person or group for them to see the information and reply. Typically includes the full content of the original email and additional information from the sender.

  • 自动回复邮件 (Auto-reply Email)
used to reply to emails sent by the sender when you are temporarily unable to reply.

邮件主题 (Subject Line) - 在邮件的开头,简短地描述邮件的主要内容,以便接收者快速了解邮件的主旨。主题通常写在邮件标题的第一行,使用粗体或加粗的方式突出显示。例如:
Subject: Inquiry Regarding Product Availability
称呼 (Salutation) - 在正式的邮件中,通常使用尊称来称呼收件人。如"Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs./Dr. [Last Name]",在商业邮件中也可以使用 "Dear [Job Title] [Last Name]",如 "Dear Marketing Manager Smith"。如果不确定对方的称呼,可以使用 "Dear Sir/Madam" 或 "To Whom It May Concern"。例如:
Dear Marketing Manager Smith,
正文 (Body) - 邮件正文是邮件的核心内容,通常包括对主题的详细描述、询问、请求、反馈或其他信息。邮件正文需要清晰、简洁明了,避免使用过多的专业术语或复杂的句子结构。例如:
I am writing to inquire about the availability of [product name] in your store. I am particularly interested in purchasing this product and would like to know if it is currently in stock.
结尾 (Closing) - 在邮件的结尾,通常需要用礼貌用语表示感谢、祝愿或期待进一步的沟通。例如:
Thank you for your time and assistance. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
签名 (Signature) - 在邮件的结尾,需要使用合适的签名表示发件人的身份和联系方式。通常需要包括全名、职务、公司名称和联系方式,如电话、邮箱等。例如:
Best regards, [Your Name]
最好的问候, [您的姓名]
<hr/>不同种类的邮件,有不同的写作范式,记着这些用法,让写英文邮件不再是“a pain in the neck”。邮件询问 (Email Inquiry) 范文

Subject: Inquiry Regarding Product Availability
Dear [Name],
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the availability of [product name] in your store. I am particularly interested in purchasing this product and would like to know if it is currently in stock.
If the product is available, could you please provide me with the price and any relevant information regarding shipping or delivery? Additionally, if it is not currently available, could you please let me know when it will be back in stock?
Thank you for your time and assistance. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Best regards, [Your Name]
"I hope this email finds you well." 这是电子邮件中常见的礼貌用语,表示对收件人的问候和关心。类似的用语还有 "I hope this email finds you doing well" 和 "I hope this email finds you in good health".
"I am writing to inquire about..." 这是一种正式的用语,表示发件人的目的是询问或咨询。类似的用语还有 "I am writing to request information about" 和 "I am writing to seek your assistance with".
"availability" 意思是“可用性”或“可得性”,常用于描述产品或服务是否可供使用或购买。类似的用语还有 "availability of stock" 和 "availability of resources".
"in stock" 表示商品或产品库存充足,可以供购买或使用。类似的用语还有 "available for purchase" 和 "in supply".
"relevant information" 表示与查询相关的信息,如价格、运输、交付、保修等。类似的用语还有 "pertinent information" 和 "important details".
"back in stock" 表示商品或产品在某个时间之后重新上架或补货。类似的用语还有 "replenished" 和 "restocked".

邮件确认 (Email Confirmation) 范文1-邀请确认

Subject: Confirmation of Receipt of Meeting Invitation
Dear [Sender's Name],
I am writing to confirm that I have received your invitation for the meeting on [Date] at [Time] at [Location]. Thank you for including me in this important discussion.
I am looking forward to attending the meeting and discussing the topics at hand with you and the other attendees. Please let me know if there are any updates or changes to the meeting schedule or agenda.
Thank you again for the invitation, and I will see you at the meeting.
Best regards,
[Your Name]

I am writing to confirm that“我写信是为了确认”。

  • I am writing to confirm that I have received your invoice for the services rendered last month.
  • I am writing to confirm that I will be attending the conference next week.
  • I am writing to confirm that we have received your request for a product demo and will be in touch shortly.

Thank you for including me in“谢谢你让我参加”。

  • Thank you for including me in the upcoming team meeting. I look forward to attending.
  • I just wanted to say thank you for including me in the project. I'm excited to be a part of it.
  • Thank you for including me in the email thread. I'll make sure to keep up with the updates.

Please let me know if there are any updates or changes to the meeting schedule or agenda.“如果会议日程或议程有任何更新或更改,请告知 ”,意思是希望收件人在会议前及时通知任何变更。

  • Please let me know if there are any updates or changes to the meeting schedule or agenda. I can be reached at the contact information below.
  • We will be in touch with any updates or changes to the meeting schedule or agenda. In the meantime, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
  • Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please let us know if there are any updates or changes to the meeting schedule or agenda that we should be aware of.

邮件确认 (Email Confirmation) 范文2-事项或接收确认

Subject: Confirmation of Receipt - Proposal for New Marketing Campaign
Dear [Name],
I am writing to confirm that I have received the proposal for the new marketing campaign. Thank you for taking the time to put together such a thorough plan. I appreciate the effort and creativity that went into it.
Rest assured that your proposal is receiving the attention it deserves, and we will be reviewing it carefully. We will get back to you within a week with our feedback.
Once again, thank you for your submission. We look forward to working with you on this exciting project.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
主题:确认已收到 - 新营销活动方案

  • Confirmation of receipt:确认已收到
  • Thorough plan:全面的计划
  • Rest assured:请放心
  • Receiving the attention it deserves:得到应有的关注
  • Review carefully:认真审查
  • Feedback:反馈意见
  • Submission:提交
  • Look forward to:期待
邮件邀请 (Email Invitation)

Subject: Invitation to Seminar
Dear [Name],
We are delighted to invite you to attend the upcoming seminar on [Date]. The seminar will explore [Topic], and we believe that your professional knowledge and experience will add value to this event.
The details of the seminar are as follows:
Date: [Date] Time: [Time] Location: [Location]
Please confirm your attendance by [Date]. We will provide more information in the coming weeks.
Thank you for your attention and support. We look forward to seeing you.
Best regards, [Your Name]
亲爱的 [姓名],
我们很高兴地邀请您参加即将于 [日期] 举行的研讨会。本次研讨会将探讨 [主题],我们相信您的专业知识和经验将为本次研讨会增添价值。
日期:[日期] 时间:[时间] 地点:[地点]
请您在 [日期] 之前回复确认是否能够参加。我们将在接下来的几周内提供更多详细信息。
敬礼, [您的名字]
We are delighted to invite you to我们非常荣幸地邀请您参加,这是邀请时常用的短语,表示邀请方非常高兴并期待对方的参加。
The details of the seminar are as follows这句话常用于介绍会议、研讨会、活动等的议程或流程安排。
"Details" 表示具体细节或详细内容,常用于描述一些具体的事项或安排。"As follows" 是常用于正式书信或商务邮件中的表达方式,表示将要陈述一些事项或内容。通常在此之前先简要介绍一下主题或背景,然后再详细阐述。
Please confirm your attendance by [Date]."请于 [日期] 前确认您的出席。"
"Confirm" 表示确认或证实某件事情,常用于商务邮件中,例如确认出席会议或活动等。"[Date]" 表示具体的日期,可以根据邮件的具体内容进行替换。在商务邮件中,此类请求通常会提前一定时间发送,以便有足够的时间做出安排和准备。
Thank you for your attention and support. “感谢您的关注和支持”。

邮件提醒 (Email Reminder)范文

Subject: Reminder: [Task Name] Deadline Approaching
Dear [Recipient],
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to remind you that the deadline for [Task Name] is quickly approaching. The due date is [Date], which is only [Number of days] days away.
As a friendly reminder, completing this task on time is critical to the success of the project. If you need any support or have any questions regarding this task, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or [other team member] for assistance.
Thank you for your attention and diligence in completing this task. Your contribution to the project is greatly appreciated.
Best regards, [Your Name]
此致 敬礼!
I am writing to remind you that the deadline for [Task Name] is quickly approaching. 我写信是想提醒您,[任务名称]的截止日期即将到来。这句话常用于商务邮件中,作为对收件人的任务进展情况提醒。

  • The due date is [Date], which is only [Number of days] days away.
该句常用于任务或项目提醒邮件中,用于提醒收件人任务或项目的截止日期即将到来。同时,该句中的“due date”表示“截止日期”,“days away”表示“还有几天”,是商务英语中常用的表达方式。
If you need any support or have any questions regarding this task, please do
not hesitate to reach out to me or [other team member] for assistance.如果您需要任何支持或对此任务有任何问题,请随时联系我或[其他团队成员]寻求帮助。
该句在任务快要到期的邮件中的作用是向收件人表明,发件人愿意提供帮助和支持,以确保任务能够按时完成,并保持良好的沟通和合作关系。其中的惯用语包括"do not hesitate to"表示不要犹豫,"reach out to"表示联系、寻求帮助,"for assistance"表示为了得到帮助。
邮件通知 (Email Notification)

Subject: Notice of Holiday Schedule for Chinese New Year
Dear all,
In celebration of Chinese New Year, our company will be closed from February 1st to February 5th, 2023. We will resume work on February 6th, which will be a makeup workday for February 5th.
During the holiday, all departments will be suspended, and employees are required to enjoy the holiday and spend quality time with their family and friends.
If you have any urgent matters to attend to during the holiday period, please contact your supervisor or the HR department as soon as possible.
We wish you a happy Chinese New Year and a prosperous Year of the Tiger!
Best regards,
[Your Name]

Notice of"Notice of" 在通知邮件中用来指示通知的主题或目的。通常在邮件标题或正文的开头使用。

  • Notice of Office Closure on Labor Day
  • Notice of System Maintenance on Saturday
  • Notice of Rescheduling Meeting
  • Notice of Company Policy Update

In celebration of "In celebration of" 是在通知邮件中表示庆祝某个事件或活动的用语,通常在邮件开头部分使用。

放假时间和补班可以这样说:Our company will be closed from 【日期】to 【日期】
We will resume work on 【日期】, which will be a makeup workday for 【日期】.

urgent matters"Urgent matters" 翻译为 "紧急事项",通常用于强调某个问题需要立即解决或处理。在商务邮件中,当有紧急问题需要关注或解决时,可以使用 "urgent matters" 这个短语来表达。例如:

  • "Please prioritize this email as it concerns urgent matters that require your immediate attention." (请将此电子邮件设为优先级,因为它涉及到需要立即关注的紧急事项。)
  • "I'm sorry to interrupt your day, but I need to discuss some urgent matters with you." (抱歉打扰您的一天,但我需要与您讨论一些紧急事项。)
也可以用in case of any emergency表达紧急事项。发生紧急事项,需要联系的对象-紧急联系人叫做emergency contact person
you can reach out to our designated emergency contact person, Mr. John Doe, at john.doe@email.com.
您可以联系我们指定的紧急联系人John Doe先生,他的邮箱是john.doe@email.com

邮件感谢 (Email Thank-You)

Subject: Thank You for Your Years of Service
Dear [Retiree’s Name],
As you prepare to begin a new chapter in your life, we wanted to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for the years of service and dedication you have given to our company.
Throughout your tenure, you have made a significant impact on our organization and the many lives you have touched along the way. Your passion, commitment, and expertise have been instrumental in our success, and we are truly grateful for all that you have contributed.
We understand that this is an exciting time for you, but we would like you to know that your presence will be missed. Your contributions have left an indelible mark on our company, and we will always cherish the memories and experiences we have shared with you.
We wish you all the best in your future endeavors and hope that you will keep in touch. Thank you again for your invaluable contributions, and congratulations on your retirement.
Best regards,
[Your Name]

  • Thank you for your help/assistance. (感谢你的帮助/协助。)
  • I truly appreciate your efforts. (我真的很感激你的努力。)
  • Your support means a lot to me. (你的支持对我很重要。)
  • I can't thank you enough. (我无法表达我的感激之情。)
  • I am grateful for everything you have done. (我感激你所做的一切。)
  • Thank you for taking the time to... (感谢你抽出时间来...)
  • I am indebted to you. (我对你感激不尽。)
  • Your kindness is greatly appreciated. (你的善意受到了高度赞赏。)
  • I am so grateful to have you as a... (我很感激能有你作为...)
  • Your help has been invaluable. (你的帮助是无价之宝。)

邮件转发 (Email Forward)

Subject: Fwd: Proposal for New Project
Dear [Recipient],
I am forwarding this email to you with a proposal for a new project from [Sender's Name]. Please take a look and let me know your thoughts.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
"I am forwarding this email to you with"是表示在转发邮件中,向收件人说明自己为什么要将邮件转发给对方,通常用于提醒收件人注意邮件内容或者邀请收件人参与邮件中的讨论或决策等。
例如,在一封工作邮件中,您可能会写道:"I am forwarding this email to you with the updated project proposal attached. Please take a look and let me know if you have any feedback." 这个句子说明了转发邮件的目的是让收件人查看并提供反馈。

自动回复邮件 (Auto-reply Email)

Subject: Automatic Reply: Out of office during vacation
Dear recipient,
Thank you very much for your email. I am currently on vacation and unable to respond to your email promptly.
If you require immediate assistance, please contact my colleague [colleague's name] who will do their best to help you.
If your matter can wait for my response, please be patient and I will reply as soon as possible after my return.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Best regards,
[Your name]
如果您需要立即解决问题,请联系我的同事 [同事姓名],他将会尽力帮助您。
Automatic Reply:Out of office during vacation/Automatic Reply:Out of Office: Business Trip



  • 清晰简洁的主题:主题应该简短而明确,以便读者能够快速理解邮件内容。
  • 礼貌的称呼:在邮件开头使用礼貌的称呼,如“尊敬的…”或“亲爱的…”。
  • 简洁明了的开头:在邮件的开头介绍你的目的和内容,并在正文中进一步展开。
  • 重点突出:在邮件中突出重点信息,使用粗体、斜体或下划线等方式来强调关键信息。
  • 清晰明了的段落:将邮件内容分成简洁的段落,每段内容只讲述一个主题。
  • 结束礼貌:在邮件的结尾使用适当的结束语,并再次表达感谢或敬意。
  • 仔细校对:在发送邮件之前,仔细校对邮件内容,确保没有任何拼写或语法错误。

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