3936《商务英语 2》开放大学期末考试笔试+机考题库(按拼音 ...

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3936《商务英语 2》开放大学期末考试笔试+机考题库(按拼音 ...

适用:【笔试+机考】【课程号: 04010】
总题量(260):  交际用语(61)  词汇与语法(129)  阅读理解(单选) (11)  阅读理解(判断)
(10)  翻译题(49)
1 、—As you know, I’m not quite familiar with how to shop online.—  () .-->(First of all, you should find a good e-commerce site.)
2 、—But in your case, we strongly recommend War Risks and WPA.
A. OK, then please cover both War Risks and WPA for us
3、—But why is it so much higher in this market?— () .-->(There are many rich people in this areA.)
4 、—Can we discuss the question of commodity inspection?—      () .-->(OK. As an integral part of the contract, the inspection of
goods is particularly important. )
5、—Can we discuss the question of commodity inspection?  ()
A. OK. The inspection of goods is particularly important.
6 、—Could I suggest we meet to review the issue and propose a         mutually satisfactory— () .-->(Sure, we will try our best jointly to deal with the issue.)
7 、—Do we need to fill in the application form?
B.Yes, you need.
8、—Do you mean that deposits and withdrawals are posted to my account immediately?
C.Yes, we process cash transactions as soon as they take place.      
9 、—Generally speaking, value added tax is mainly charged on the taxable services.—  () .-->(what do you mean by that?)                  
10 、—Great! Maybe from now on, I should try to buy goods   online.
11、—Hi, Wang Li, is that you? Long time no see.— () .-->(Yes, it’s been ages. It’s nice to see you here.)
12 、—Hi, Wang Ping, is that you? Haven't seen you for a long time.
A. Yes, it's been ages. It's nice to see you here. Have you ...?
13 、—How about your friend, Li Yan? Does she work in the same department with you? —  () .
C.She is fine, thank you, and she works in the Auditing Department.
14 、—How about your friend, Li Yan? Does she work in the same      department with you?— ().-->(She is an assistant auditor and works in the Auditing Department.)
15 、—How can people avoid food contamination nowadays? B. The government should set strict rules to standardize the         production of food.
16 、—I suggest that you conduct a commodity re-inspection in a         month.— () .-->(C. That sounds good, but l\' d like to know how much time it will take.)
17 、—I think that importers must also have the right to re-inspect goods upon arrival.
B.Quite right, but it's very complicated to have the goods re-inspected.
18 、—I wonder if you are able to offer market exclusivity for all of China?—  () .-->(Thank you for your interest in representing our    product. )
19 、—I' m afraid the goods we received yesterday are short of weight.—  ()
C. I' m sorry to say the shipment didn't turn out to be satisfactory.
20 、—I'd like to know what insurance you will cover for your clients. —  () .
21、—I’d like to have credit information about my corporate partner in AustraliA.—  () .-->(Well, our department deals with all kinds of       consultant service.)
22 、—I’m afraid the goods we received yesterday are short of             weight.—  () .-->(I’m sorry to say the shipment didn’t turn out to be  satisfactory.)
23 、 —In most cases, it is the total income received .
C. What does taxable income refer to?
24 、—Is it possible to find alternative payment terms for this order?—  ()
A. I'm afraid not. We insist on a letter of credit.
25 、—Is there a market?—I am very optimIstic about the market opportunities in China.
C.What are your initial thoughts on our computers in China?            26 、—Is there any time requirement for registration?—  () .-->(C.  Certainly. We shou1d register within 30 days after we receive our    business license.)
27 、—It aims at increasing sales by making a product or service known to a wider  () .
B. audience
28、—It isjust not possible for managers to keep up with all of the changes  () in their markets.
B. taking place
29、—It seems that the sales volume has not reached our objective.
B. lt's true. l' m sorry about that.
30 、 —It will take at least three weeks.
B.How soon will you finish our TV commercial?
31 、—l' m afraid the goods we received yesterday are short of weight.
C. l' rn sorry to say the shípment didn' t turn out to be satisfactory.       32 、—l\' d like to know what insurance you will cover for your            clients.—  () .-->(B.l suppose a Free of Particular Average Policy.)    33 、—Morning , Daniel. Today l' d like to discuss the promotional events of our products with you.—  ()
C. Ok. I think we should draw up a thorough plan.                           34 、—Morning, Daniel. Today I’d like to discuss the promotional events of our products—  () .-->(Ok. I think we should draw up a  thorough plan, first.)
35 、—Mr.Wilson.Your request for compensation surprIses me.What happened?
B.The Issue Is a shortage of weight.
36、—Need we fill in the application form?— () .-->(Yes, you must.) 37 、—No matter what it may lead to, they always ()  the profit  maximization.
A. pursue
38 、 —Now shall we move on to the next question?—  ()
B. Sure. Let' s talk about the time of shipment and payment.
39 、—OK, what are your initial thoughts on our computers in China? Is there a market?
B.I am very optimistic about the market opportunities in China.
40 、—People can' t bear this kind of behavior and the businesses responsible must  () .
C. be closed down
41 、 —So could you make an exception and accept D/P? —  ()
A. I shall tell you frankly it would drastically increase our risk.
42、—This is Focus Advertising Agency. How may I help you?()
C. I need to inquire about your advertising rates.
43 、—This is _Focus Advertising Agency_. How may I help you?—  () .-->(I need some information on the advertising rates of your      magazines.)
44、—Uh, I think online shopping is very time-consuming.— () .-->(I somewhat agree with you, but not completely.)
45 、—We are now looking for agents to cover southern ChinA.—  () .-->(I’m very familiar with the market there.)
46 、—We regret we cannot review your weight-shortage claim as it   really has nothing to do—  () .-->(But 15 tons of goods can’t simply  disappear into thin air.)
47 、—What do I have to do to get the credit information of our            corporate partner?— () .-->(It’s not complicated. Just fill in a form and sign it.)
48、—What should a healthy diet contain?— () .-->(A. A healthy diet should contain all the essential nutrients.)
49、—Which edition wouldyou like your advertIsement to appear in?
C.We would like to get in with the fall publication,if possible.
50、—Why does food contamination seem to occur so frequently these
days?—  () .-->(Because those food manufacturers only focus on
making money.)
51 、—You mentioned the term"online banking"iust now.I don't
quite get it.—online computer systems help us provide speedy
bank service to customers.
C.What do you mean by that?
52 、—You want to know about the value added tax, don't you? B.Yes, could you give me a brief overview of it?
53 、 —Your bank is huge! It must have many departments.
A. It's true. Our bank consists of many departments.
54 、 —  () . —In most cases, it is the total income received.
C.What does taxable income refer to?
55、— () .—Certainly.We should regIster within 30 days after we
receive our business license.
A.Is there any time requirement for regIstration?
56、— () — It’s not bad. I have worked in this bank for two years and I love my current job.-->(How is everything going?)
57 、—  () —In most cases, it is the total income received. A What does taxable income refer to?
58 、 —  () —It will take at least three weeks.
C. How soon will you finish our TV commercial?
59 、—  () —We would like to get in with the fall publication,if possible.
B. Which edition would you like your advertisement to appear in?
60、一 How can people avoid food contamination nowadays?一() . A.The government should set strict rules to standardize the
production of food
61、一 Youwant to know about the value added tax, don't you? —
() .
B.Yes, could you give me a brief overview of it?
1 、 19Another principle for a business is that profitable sales volume is  ()  than maximum sales volume.
2 、A company can advertise in various ways  ,()  how much it wishes to spend.
B. depending on
3 、A company can advertise in various ways, how much it wishes to spend.
B. depending on
4、A company can advertise in  () ways, depending on how much it wishes to peculiar.
B. various
5 、A good advertising program tells potential customers .

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